Wow, the year sure does go by fast. We’re already almost to the end of it and I have a couple very important premieres coming up that I would like to share with you all.
PREMIER #1: Mirror Game - my first opera!
Since my last post in June, I’ve finished the first iteration of Mirror Game, had it edited, workshopped, and discussed, and it is now in final stages of rehearsal at Portland State University! I am SUPER excited. I flew up in October to hear some read-throughs. There’s nothing quite like finally hearing the comic moments pop and those surreal moments really twisting the knife.
The first read through of Mirror Game with Kristine McIntyre, director, and myself. (October 15, 2019)
Writing an opera in such a short time was a harrowing experience on occasion, but it was also great for my growth as a composer - I had to make plenty of quick decisions and go with my gut quite often (instead of creeping along, edit by edit). The result is a fun, rhythmic multimedia experience full of catchy melodies and quirky textures (we have a vocoder and a chiptune keyboard!)
Interesting note: This premiere will technically be a “workshop” performance as supported by OperaAMERICA’s Discovery Grant, so the audience will be seeing the keyboard reduction version. This version of the opera will help educate my orchestrational decisions, as well as what I might add or take away. If you want to see how operas get off the ground, this show is for you!
The Portland team rehearse in the Blackbox Theater for Mirror Game, Nov 29 through Dec 8.
Librettist Amy Punt provides an important synopsis here about the show’s themes. If you’re curious to hear more about it, come listen to us talk November 25 at 12 PM about Mirror Game’s role in today’s society. Also, there will be a captivating panel discussion the following day about women in STEM fields and opera.
Show times @ the Lincoln Hall Theatre:
November 29, 30 - 7:30 PM
December 1 - 3:00 PM
December 6, 7 - 7:30 PM
December 8 - 3:00 PM
Tickets here.
See you there!
PREMIER #2: ACTIVATED CHAMBERS with yMusic and the Kaufman School of Dance
yMusic flew in just last weekend for their residency with the USC Thornton School of Music, which will eventually culminate into a series of performances on December 4th and 5th. I am fortunate to be one of the composers they are working with for this event. Extraordinarily talented, collaborative people down to do what you ask - I learned a lot from them!
As you can tell from the mesmerizing video above, this is also in collaboration with dancers. (Another interdisciplinary celebration of art, yay!) Amaria Stern is the choreographer I am working with and I think she’s created something quite captivating for the show.
The event itself also features the works of five other student composers, works by music production majors, a premiere by USC professor Andrew Norman, and ultimately a fascinating way to explore the new Glorya Kaufman School of Dance building. (Hence being named “Activated Chambers.”) You don’t want to miss it!
Show times @ the Glorya Kaufman School of Dance:
December 4 - 6:00 PM
December 5 - 6:00 PM
(Free!) tickets and more info here.They go fast, so get them soon!
Come celebrate new music with me! Hope to see you there.
- Celka